Create your course. Train your team.

I’d like to get started

    Create your course. Train your team.

    I’d like to get started

      Teams Across India Trust LearnBee

      Create your course. Train your team.

      I’d like to get started

        Teams Across India Trust LearnBee

        You want to create your training now!

        You want to up your training initiatives. Your team can deliver more if trained properly

        The market is getting competitive, your resources are becoming expensive.
        You want them to work as a well-oiled engine

        But you do not have time for experts to convert it to e-learning content.

        You have all the presentations, videos, brochures.

        How do you put up a great training and test their understanding?

        You want to create your training now!

        You want to up your training initiatives. Your team can deliver more if trained properly

        The market is getting competitive, your resources are becoming expensive.
        You want them to work as a well-oiled engine

        But you do not have time for experts to convert it to e-learning content.

        You have all the presentations, videos, brochures.

        How do you put up a great training and test their understanding?

        You want to create your training now!

        You want to up your training initiatives. Your team can deliver more if trained properly.

        The market is getting competitive, your resources are becoming expensive.
        You want them to work as a well-oiled engine.

        You have all the presentations, videos, brochures.

        But you do not have time for experts to convert it to e-learning content.

        How do you put up a great training and test their understanding?

        And then come the administrative struggles

        To top this up, you might not have time for system administration either. And understandably, no appetite to commit to subscription payments, until the model is proven.

        Then how do you train your team easily? Regularly?
        How do you do it now?

        And then come the administrative struggles

        To top this up, you might not have time for system administration either. And understandably, no appetite to commit to subscription payments, until the model is proven.

        Then how do you train your team easily? Regularly?
        How do you do it now?

        LearnBee can help you create and deliver your content with ease

        LearnBee can help you create and deliver your content with ease

        AI makes course-creation easy

        • Upload your PDF

        • Add questions & media

        • Publish & share

        AI makes course-creation easy

        • Upload your PDF

        • Add questions & media

        • Publish & share

        What’s more?

        Create a Private Space for your team.

        Invite your learners.

        Add your training content.

        No IT administration required.

        This is the easiest way to get an enabled frontline team.

        What’s more?

        Create a Private
        Space for your team.

        Invite your learners.

        Add your training content.

        No IT administration required.

        This is the easiest way to get an enabled frontline team.

        Solve your problem now!

        Solve your problem now!

        We want to help you create a full-fledged learning program.

        Connect with us for

        • Getting your first 3 content built by LearnBee for free

        • Going live with your team for free!

        I’d like to get started

        Launch LearnBee for my team now.

        • Upload your PDF

        • Add your questions and media

        • Publish and share

        I’m interested in the offer- help me set up my course!

          I’d like to get started

          Launch LearnBee for
          my team now.

          • Upload your PDF

          • Add your questions and media

          • Publish and share

          I’m interested in the offer- help me set up my course!